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Awareness and

A Guide for Parents, Staff, and Youth

Ribbon Icon
  • Suicide is the second leading cause of death in youth ages 10-24.
  • Each day in our nation, there are an average of over 3,703 suicide attempts by young people grades 9-12. If these percentages are additionally applied to grades 7 & 8, the numbers would be higher.
  • Four out of five teens who attempt suicide have given clear warning signs.

  • Know the Signs

    Sight Icon

    What Might I See?

    • Posting on social media about death
    • Withdrawing from friends and family
    • Starting/increase of substance abuse
    • Acting anxious or agitated
    • Reckless behavior
    • Showing rage
    • Extreme mood swings
    • Sleeping too much or too little
    • Visiting people to say a form of goodbye
    • Returning borrowed items/giving away possessions
    Hearing Icon

    What Might I Hear?

    • Talk about killing oneself
    • Idolizing people who have died by suicide
    • Having no reason to live
    • Being a burden
    • Feeling trapped
    • Talking about seeking revenge
    • A need to escape
    • Statements like: I don’t deserve to live, I suck. My family would be better off without me. I won’t be a problem for you much longer
    Stress Icon

    What Stressful Life Situations Might Be Occuring

    • Abuse
    • Suicide experience (know someone who has died by suicide or previous suicide behavior)
    • Life changes (Divorce, housing, etc.)
    • Loss (of loved one/pet, relationship, etc.)
    • Rejection
    Sense Icon

    What Might I Sense?

    • Something is not okay (trust your gut instincts)
    • Unbearable pain
    • Relief or sudden improvement in mood
    • Shame
    • Overwhelmed with no hope for improvement
    • Feeling unaccepted

    While this is a helpful list of common signs,
    it is not complete and youth may show other warning signs.