Awareness and
A Guide for Parents, Staff, and Youth

Know the Signs

What Might I See?
- Posting on social media about death
- Withdrawing from friends and family
- Starting/increase of substance abuse
- Acting anxious or agitated
- Reckless behavior
- Showing rage
- Extreme mood swings
- Sleeping too much or too little
- Visiting people to say a form of goodbye
- Returning borrowed items/giving away possessions

What Might I Hear?
- Talk about killing oneself
- Idolizing people who have died by suicide
- Having no reason to live
- Being a burden
- Feeling trapped
- Talking about seeking revenge
- A need to escape
- Statements like: I don’t deserve to live, I suck. My family would be better off without me. I won’t be a problem for you much longer

What Stressful Life Situations Might Be Occuring
- Abuse
- Suicide experience (know someone who has died by suicide or previous suicide behavior)
- Life changes (Divorce, housing, etc.)
- Loss (of loved one/pet, relationship, etc.)
- Rejection

What Might I Sense?
- Something is not okay (trust your gut instincts)
- Unbearable pain
- Relief or sudden improvement in mood
- Shame
- Overwhelmed with no hope for improvement
- Feeling unaccepted
While this is a helpful list of common signs,
it is not complete and youth may show other warning signs.
What to Do

Start a conversation, express concern

Listen and validate feelings, be nonjudgmental

Don’t keep it a secret, don’t promise secrecy

Don’t leave them alone

Get Help
Protective Factors

Effective Clinical Care:
mental, physical, and
substance abuse disorders

Self-esteem, sense of purpose,
meaning in life, optimism,
hope for future

Hobbies, physical activity,
creative outlet, mindfulness,
giving self time to recharge

Cultural, personal, and

Family and community
support, one caring

Life Skills:
Problem solving, coping skills,
ability to adapt to change,

Reducing Stigma:
Open and direct talk
about suicide
If you’re seeing any of these signs, don’t wait, reach out!
It’s better to get help early than to wait until there is a crisis.

The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ young people under 25. The Trevor Project has a lifeline, chat, and text line 24/7, 365 days a year.
Lifeline: 1-866-488-7386
Text: Text START to 678678
Trevor Chat: trevorchat.org