Homeless Education Legislation

Bill Number



ED Code


AB 1806

Discipline, Graduation Requirements, Partial Credits


EC § 48915.5,




  • Requires each LEA to notify the LEA’s liaison for homeless children and youth of a manifestation determination meeting, a suspension hearing, or an expulsion hearing of a homeless youth
  • Exempts homeless pupil from completing graduation requirements in excess of the state graduation requirements if the homeless pupil transfers after his or her 2nd year of high school, and requires, if a homeless pupil transfers schools, the LEA to award partial or full credit, as specified, for courses completed at the pupil’s previous schools

AB 1733

AB 2490

Free Birth Records



Health & Safety Code § 103577

  • Each local registrar or county recorder shall, without a fee, issue a certified record of live birth to any person who can verify his or her status as a homeless person or a homeless child or youth. A homeless service provider (including a local educational agency liaison for homeless children and youth) who has knowledge of a person’s housing status shall verify a person’s status for the purposes of this subdivision. AB2490 amended this to require,without a fee, issuance of up to three copies of a certified record of live birth for a homeless child or youth.

Vehicle Code § 14902

  • On and after January 1, 2016, a fee shall not be charged for an original or replacement identification card issued to any person who can verify his or her status as a homeless person or homeless child or youth. A homeless service provider (including a local educational agency liaison for homeless children and youth) that has knowledge of a person’s housing status shall verify a person’s status for the purposes of this subdivision

AB 982

Child Care and Development


EC § 8263

  • Prioritizes homeless families for enrollment in subsidized child care
  • Expands the types of agencies that can verify that a family is homeless for purposes of eligibility to include LEA Homeless Liaisons

AB 288

College & Career Access Pathways Partnerships


EC § 76004

  • Authorizes community college and school districts to enter into a College & Career Access Pathways Partnership with the goal of developing seamless pathways from high school to community college for career technical education or preparation for transfer, improving high school graduation rates, or helping pupils achieve college and career readiness

AB 379

Complaint of Noncompliance


EC § 48853,



51225.1 &


  • Allows a student in foster care or one who is homeless to enforce their educational rights through the State’s Uniform Complaint Procedure
  • Requires these rights to be included in the Annual Notification

SB 277

Public Health: Vaccinations


Health & Safety Code § 120325

  • Exemptions from immunizations for medical reasons only. Eliminates exemptions based upon personal beliefs. NOTE: Foster & Homeless Youth are still guaranteed the right to enroll without proof of immunization. Best practices is to enroll immediately and then assist families in getting immunization so there is no disruption in their schooling because of immunizations

SB 252

High School Proficiency Exam fees


EC § 48412,

51421, &


  • Waives high school proficiency exam fees (GED, CHSPE), which can cost up to $200. Removes this financial barrier for homeless students

AB 1228

College Priority Housing


EC § 66019.3,

76010, 90001.5


  • Establishing priority for campus housing at CA Community Colleges, CSU, and UC campuses
  • Requires CSU and UC to develop plans that make on-campus housing accessible to homeless and foster youth during breaks