Homeless Youth
McKinney-Vento Topic: Education Rights for Homeless Children and Youth |
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (effective 1987 & Reauthorized 2002): Federal legislation addressing the education needs of children and youth experiencing homelessness. Key Themes:
California EC § Topic: Education Rights for Homeless Children and Youth |
SB 177 (effective 2014) Homeless Youth Education Success Act:
California EC § Topic: Education Rights for Homeless Children and Youth |
SB 445 (effective 2016) Pupil Instruction and Services:
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Topic: Education Rights for Homeless Children and Youth |
ESSA (effective 2016): Reauthorization of the Federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act-amending the education subtitle of the McKinney-Vento Act Key Amendments (not an exhaustive list): School Stability
School of Origin & Immediate Enrollment
Credit Accrual, Full Participation, and College Readiness
Access to HUD Homeless Assistance
Penal Code § Topic: Reporting Abuse |
AB 652 (effective 2014): Child abuse reporting and HUY
California EC § Topic: Graduation Requirements |
AB 1806 (effective 2015) Legislation to provide graduation requirement exemption for homeless children & youth:
AB 1166 (effective 2016) Amends EC §51225.1 Extends and clarifies graduation requirement exemption:
SB 532 (effective 2023) Amends EC §51225.1 Extends and clarifies graduation requirement exemption:
California EC § 51225.2 Topic: Partial Credits |
AB 1806 (effective 2015) Legislation to provide partial credits for homeless children and youth:
SB 532 (effective 2023) Amends EC §51225.2 Partial credits clarification:
California EC § |
AB 1729 (effective 2013) Amends EC §48900 & 48900.5 Alternatives to suspension or expulsion:
AB 420 (effective 2014) Amends EC §48900 Eliminating “disruption” and “willful defiance” as acts subject to discipline:
AB 1806 (effective 2015) Amends EC §48918.1 & 48915.5 Legislation regarding discipline notifications:
SB 274 (effective 2024) Suspensions & Expulsions: Willful defiance
California EC § Topics: College Pathways, Priority Enrollment & Priority Housing |
AB 288 (effective 2015) EC § 76004 College Pathways:
AB 801 (effective 2016) EC § 66025.9, 67003.5, 69514.5, 69561, 76300 Priority Enrollment:
AB 1288 (effective 2016) EC § 66019.3, 76010, 90001.5, 92660 Priority Housing:
AB 806 (effective 2019) amends EC § 66025.9, 67003.5, 69514.5, 69561, 76300 Priority Enrollment:
AB 789 (effective 1014-15 Academic Year) Student Financial Aid: Col Grants & Satisfactory Progress
California EC § |
AB 379 (effective 2016) Complaint of Noncompliance:
California EC § Topic: Pupil Records |
AB 1068 (effective 2014) Pupil Records:
Health & Safety Code § Topic: Free Birth Records |
AB 1733 (effective 2015) Free Birth Records:
Vehicle Code § Topic: Free California ID |
AB 2490 (effective 2018) Free California ID:
Health & Safety Code § Topic: Public Health Vaccinations |
SB 277 (effective 2016) Vaccination Exemptions:
California EC § Topic: After School Programs |
AB 1567 (effective 2017) Priority in After School Programs:
AB 373 (effective 2024) Priority Acess for Foster/Homeless Students Requires any LEA that operates an intercession program to grant priority access to foster children and homeless youth. Includes summer school (ESY remains under the auspices of the IEP). Allows the education rights holder (HUY) to determine school site to attend if the student is moved during the intercession |
Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAP) Topic: LCAP |
AB 97/SB 91 (effective 2016) Addressing Homeless Student Needs in LCAP:
California EC § Topic: Homeless Identification and Training |
AB 27 (effective 2021) amends EC § §48851, 48852.5, 48852.6, 48857, 48859 Homeless ID-Housing Questionnaire:
SB 400 (effective 2021) amends EC § §48851.5, 48852.5 Homeless ID & Training for School Personnel:
California EC § Topic: High School Proficiency Exam Fees |
SB 252 (effective 2016) amends EC § §48412, 51421 & 51421.5 Waiving Proficiency Exam Fees:
WIC § 18904.25 Topic: CalFresh Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program |
AB 309 (effective 2014) CalFresh Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP):
California EC § 8263 Topic: Child Care |
AB 982 (effective 2015) Priority for Subsidized Child Care:
Disclaimer: Recommendation to consult with legal counsel to determine how this document may apply to your specific facts and circumstances.