Community College
Enrollment Information

1. Application for Admission

Complete an online application which can be accessed at the community college website. To access California community college on-line application process, visit There is no application deadline however, course registration deadlines will affect application timeline. Computer access and assistance is available on most campuses as well as over the phone.

A Student I.D. number and Student E-mail address will usually be assigned shortly after processing your application. Correspondence from the college will be sent to the e-mail address, so be sure to check it at least once per week.

2. Financial Aid

Financial aid is designed to help meet direct educational expenses. This includes tuition, books, supplies, transportation, dependent care, costs associated with disabilities and related living costs. Students may apply for grants, student loans, work study programs and scholarships. Dollar amounts for individual financial aid programs vary by recipient, but you must apply to qualify. In order to receive financial aid you must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Because some financial aid programs have limited funding, the earlier you apply, the more you may receive. Students can complete the FAFSA online or print a FAFSA Tips/Guidelines worksheet at

Current and former foster youth, who have not reached the age of 26 as of July 1 of the year they are applying, may qualify for up to

$5,000 per year under the Chafee Education and Training Voucher (EVT) grant program. In order to be eligible for the Chafee EVT grant, youth must have been a ward/dependent of the court anytime on or after their 16th birthday. Application for the Chafee Grant can be completed at:

In addition to the Chafee EVT grant, most foster youth are eligible to have their California community college course enrollment fees waived through the California College Promise Grant (formerly known as BOG Fee Waiver).

Foster Youth Success Initiative Liaisons (FYSI) are available at every community college throughout California to assist current and former foster youth in navigating all academic and student support services and programs. In addition, the FYSI liaisons can

answer foster youth questions about financial aid in general and the California College Promise Grant and Chafee EVT grant programs specifically. Contact your college for the information designated FYSI liaisons at your campus can be found at

Additional Financial Aid Information

To qualify for financial aid, students must have a high school diploma or a GED or have passed the California High School Proficiency Exam.

When completing the FAFSA, pay attention to the dependency questions included in Section Three as these questions specifically address Foster and Homeless Unaccompanied Youth status and will affect what information is required to complete the FAFSA.

Once you have completed the FAFSA it is very important to respond to any e-mail or written correspondence you receive regarding the status of your financial aid.

Financial aid information and forms can also be found at the community college website. Free financial aid workshops are offered at most campuses. Many colleges will provide financial aid workshops specifically for youth upon request. For additional information about financial aid please visit;

Call Foster and Homeless Youth Education Services for assistance completing your FAFSA at 559-265-4003

Community College Enrollment Information (cont.)

3. Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) and Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS)

EOPS assists those challenged by language, social, economic and educational disadvantages with enrolling in college as well as assisting them to complete their educational goal while attending college. EOPS services include priority registration, book vouchers, academic and support counseling, and other support services. Foster and Homeless students may be eligible and should apply for EOPS. Contact the EOPS office at the school to which you are applying for information about application requirements and deadlines.

In addition to the Extended Opportunity Programs and Services, DSPS empowers students with disabilities, including learning disabilities, to achieve their goals and become contributing members of society by eliminating barriers and facilitating services for students while attending college. Walk-in services and appointments can be made at the DSPS office of most colleges. Check at the college website for hours and other information.

4. Assessment

Placement tests are no longer required. Effective January 2, 2018, AB 705 requires community college districts to maximize the probability that a student will enter and complete transfer-level coursework in English and math within a one year timeframe and use, in the placement of students into English and math courses in order to achieve this goal, colleges will use multiple measures.

5. College Orientation/Course Planning/Transfer

Prior to enrolling in courses, students should meet with a counselor who will provide assistance with developing a “first semester” course list and provide essential certificate, associate degree, transfer, and financial aid information. Many colleges offer group advising and college orientation sessions. If you are enrolled in EOPS, you will already have received these services.

For the most up-to-date orientation information, visit the College website orientation link.

Students interested in transferring from a two year college to a four year college should meet with a counselor early on in the process to develop an education plan and map out the appropriate sequence of courses and ensure that coursework units are transferable.

6. Enrollment

To enroll in courses you must have your Student I.D. number and have met the assessment requirements prior to registration. Most colleges offer on-line registration. As a current or former foster youth you may be entitled to register prior to the general registration period. Make sure that you determine in advance if you are eligible for early registration and that you take advantage of this option.

It is highly recommended that every student create a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to protect the confidentiality of their records. All community colleges do not require students to create a PIN, check with the college to which you are applying to see if they require students to create a PIN. If you experience problems registering, online live support is provided by most colleges. Registration assistance is also available on most campuses.

7. College Fees

In addition to enrollment fees, many colleges have minimal health and/or student activity fees. These fees are due at the time of registration and payments may be made online at most colleges. Check in advance with the Admissions Office for forms of payment that are accepted.

Warning! Disenrollment may occur after registration if fees have not been paid within a certain timeframe. Check with the college admissions office for relevant deadlines.

Community College Enrollment Information (cont.)

8. Additional Resouces

To explore nearby colleges or colleges with your program of interest

Other useful websites available to assist youth in planning to attend college are listed below

Resources available for parenting youth
California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids(CalWORKs)
CalWORKs funds are for the purpose of assisting welfare recipient students and those in transition off of welfare to achieve long-term self-sufficiency through coordinated student services offered at community colleges including: work study, job placement, child care coordination, curriculum development and redesign, and under certain conditions post-employment skills training, and instructional services.

Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE)
The State of California established the Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE) program in the California Community Colleges as “a unique educational program geared toward the welfare recipient who desires job-relevant education to break the dependency cycle. The CARE program offers educational support services, including supplemental grants and services for child care, textbooks, school supplies, and transportation, to EOPS students who are welfare-dependent single parents with young children. CARE is part of the EOPS program that is available at community colleges throughout California.

  1. Additional Foster Youth Higher Education Support Programs

Currently, there is a wide range of academic support programs for current and former foster youth attending two and four year colleges in California. These programs are sometimes referred to as NextUp, Renaissance or Guardian Scholars programs. The range of services provided by these programs varies considerably, and the most accurate information about each program can be gained by directly contacting the program coordinator, who is listed for each program. These programs offer an array of services, often including financial aid assistance, dedicated campus support staff, and housing among others. The goal of campus support programs is to provide former foster youth attending higher education with specialized academic, social and financial support.

For additional information regarding specific programs available, please visit the California College Pathways website link below.

Community College Enrollment Information (cont.)

Application for Admission

  • My online Application for Admission was submitted electronically on this date:
  • My Student ID number is:
  • My Student e-mail address is
  • Sync your college student email to your personal email so you don’t miss any important communications!

Recent High School Graduates

  • Contact your high school counselor to request a copy of your final transcript.
  • Submit your final high school transcript by mail or in person to the Admissions & Records Office at the college you would like to attend.

Transfer, Returning and Students from other Colleges

  • Request an official sealed transcript from all other U.S. colleges/universities attended to be sent to the admissions office of the college you would like to attend.

  • Transcript(s) requested from
    on this date:

  • Transcript(s) requested from
    on this date:

Financial Aid

  • I have made an appointment to meet with the Financial Aid Office.

  • I have applied for a California College Promise Grant to pay my fees for the academic year. NOTE: The California College Promise Grant is for California residents only.

  • I have created my FSAID and completed the FAFSA.

  • I have received a copy of my Ward of the Court letter or Homeless Unaccompanied Youth Verification Letter

  • I have turned in my Ward of the Court Letter or Homeless Unaccompanied Youth Verification Letter to the Financial Aid office of the college I am attending.

  • I have verified whether additional forms are required at the college that I am interested in attending and I have completed the additional forms.

  • I have submitted my application for Chafee funds to the California Student Aid Commission (Foster only).

Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) and Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS)

  • I have applied to be a part of the EOPS program.
  • I have visited the DSPS office (if applicable).


Placements tests are no longer required.

  • I have seen a counselor for appropriate course placement.

College Orientation/Course Planning

  • I have contacted the Counseling Center to schedule an appointment – OR

  • I have signed up for a new student group advising/Orientation session.


  • I have created a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to protect my records.

  • I have registered for fall spring summer

    • Fall
    • Spring
    • Summer
  • I have printed my schedule of classes.

  • I have received a copy of my Ward of the Court letter or Homeless Unaccompanied Youth Verification Letter

  • I have paid all required registration and enrollment fees.