California Community Colleges

California State University

University of California

Admission requirements include any of these:

  • A high school diploma (preferred)

  • A person 18 years of age or older

  • Concurrently enrolled high school student through High School Enrichment or Dual enrollment program (note: See your High School counselor for more information)

  • For Federal Financial Aid: You must have a high school diploma, California

  • High school diploma or equivalent (GED or CHSPE)

  • GPA above 2.5 for residents of California (3.0 for non-residents)

  • California residents with a GPA below a 2.5 may be evaluated for admission based upon supplemental factors

  • Meet all A-G requirements (15 college prep courses with an “A – G” GPA of 2.0

    • History/Social Sciences— 2 years

    • English—4 years

    • Mathematics—3 years

    • Science—2 years

      (1 year-biological & 1 year-

      physical) w/ lab

    • Foreign Language—2 years (same language)

    • Visual & Performing Arts— 1 year

    • Elective—1 year (Agriculture courses will be considered)

  • Impacted campuses and programs may utilize a higher “A – G” GPA

  • To get information on admissions go to

  • GPA of 3.0 or higher (3.4 for non-residents)

  • Meet all UC approved A-G requirements (11 courses completed prior to senior year)

    • History/Social Sciences— 2 years

    • English—4 years

    • Mathematics—3 years (4 years recommended)

    • Laboratory Science— 2 years (3 years recommended)

    • Foreign Language— 2 years (3 years recommended)

    • Visual & Performing Arts—1 year

    • Elective—1 year

  • UC’s will not consider SAT or ACT test scores when making admission decisions or awarding scholarships

  • If you choose to report test scores as part of your application, they may be used as an alternative method of fulfilling minimum requirements for eligibility or for course placement after you enroll

  • For information go to admission.